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被浏览: 0次 2023年10月13日 03:09

here is a king, he likes wearing different kinds of beautiful clothes. He spends lots of money on beautiful clothes. 


He doesn’t care about his people, country and army. Every day he changes many clothes and show off on the street. If someone asks: where is the king? The officials would say: he is in the fitting room.


One day, there comes two liars. They tell the king that they can weave the best cloth with the most beautiful patterns. 


This cloth also has a magical feature: foolish people can’t see it.


The king thinks: this is the cloth I like, I can use this cloth to tell who is clever, who is foolish. 


So he gives lots of money to the two liars, and tells them to start at once. All the people in the city heard about this cloth, they all want to see this magical cloth and check if they are foolish.


The two liars get two weaving machines, pretend to weave on the machines. They ask lots of silk and gold from the king, but all these things go to their pocket.
