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被浏览: 0次 2023年09月24日 20:33


1 他哥哥成功地阻止他放弃那份薪水不高的工作。(succeed in/,dissuade...from)
His brother succeeded in persuading him from giving up the low-salary job.
2 他独自一人花了两星期时间完成了这项调查(investigation)
He spent two weeks in completing the investigation all by himself.
3 除非他自己意识到这一危险,否则没有人能够阻止他干这唤宽事
Unless he realizes it is dangerous to do that,nobody else can prevent him.
4 如果你想取得好成绩,就不能过分依赖别人的帮助
If you want to get good results,do not rely on others too much.
5 尽管困难重重,我们仍决心执行我们的计划
Although there is a lot of difficulties,we still decide to carry out our plan.

6 如果没有你们的帮助和支持,我们不可能提前完成工作(without)
Without your help and support,we could not have finished work ahead of schedule.
7 我把那些书寄给她已有一个多星期了(It has been/is ...since)
It is more than a week since I sent her those books.
8 我建议和扮亮我们开会讨论一下这个问题,看看我们是否能拿出更好的解决方法(propose/come up with)
I porpose we have a meeting to discuss the problem,and find out whether we could come up with a better solution.
9 众所周知,在速度和舒适方面,飞机和轮船大不相同(It is well known that...)
It is well known that plane is quite different from ship in speed and comfort .
10、在这缺野而生活了许多年,她已渐渐熟悉这座城市了(come to)
As she has lived in the city for many years, she has come to know it.
11 让我们惊讶的是,那个陌生人竟然是母亲的大学同学(turn out)
To our astonishment,the stranger turned out to be my mother's university classmate.
12 由于疏忽,他在工作中受伤了(result in)
Negligence resulted in his injure.
13 更重要的是,你们应具有良好的学习习惯
It is more important that you get good study habits.
14 萨姆半年前曾在我厂任短期顾问
Sam worked as a consultant in our factory for a short time half a year ago.
15、约翰是班上年龄最小的学生,但他在各门功课上都与其他学生并驾齐驱(keep up with)
John is the youngest student in the class,but he keeps up with others in all of the subjects.
16 一个顾问有责任对那些决策者提合理的建议(be responsible for)
A consultant is responsible for making reasonable suggestions for the decision makers.
17、在葬礼上这位战士的一个朋友无法控制自己的感情,放声大哭起来(hold oneself in)
In the funeral, one of the soldier's friends could not hold himself in bursting out into tears.
18 在会上,他就准备解决这个问题的方法做了十分钟的发言
He made a speech for ten minutes on the solution to the problem.
19 认为计算机最终会代替人脑是愚蠢的(take the place of)
It is stupid to think computer will take place of human brain.
Do not pretend knowing what you don't know .


1、他哥哥成功地阻止他放弃那份薪水不高的工作。(succeed in/,dissuade...from)
His brother succeeded in dissuading him from giving up the job which is not well paid.
He spent two weeks finishing the investigation by himself.
No one can prevent him from doing it unless he is aware of the danger
You cannot depend on others too much if you want to get good results.
We still decide to carry out our plan in spite of the difficulties.
We couldn't have finished the task ahead of time without your help and assistance.
7、我把那些书寄给她已有一个多星期了(It has been/is ...since)
It's/has been more than a week since I posted those books to her.
8、我建议我们开会讨论一下这个问题,看看烂侍我们是否能拿出更好的解决方法(propose/come up with)
I propose we should hold a meeting to disscuss the problem and see if we can come up with a better solution.
9、众所周知,在速度和舒适方面,飞机和轮船大不相同(It is well known that...)
It's well known that airplanes are quite different from ships in speed and comfort.
10、在这而生活了许多年,她已渐渐熟悉这座城市了(come to)
She has lived here for many years and has come to know about the city.
11、让我们惊饥核吵讶的是,那个陌生人竟然是母亲的大学同学(turn out)
To our surprise, the stranger turns out to be a classmate of my mother's in college.
12、由于疏忽,他在工作中受伤了(result in)
His injury resulted in his negligence in his work.
What's more, you should have good learning habits.
Sam used to work as a short-term advisor in my factory half a year ago.
15、约翰是班上年龄最小的学生,但他在各门氏携功课上都与其他学生并驾齐驱(keep up with)
John is the youngest in his class but he goes neck and neck in each lesson.

16、一个顾问有责任对那些决策者提合理的建议(be responsible for)
An advisor is responsible for putting foward some reasonable suggestions for his decision maker.
17、在葬礼上这位战士的一个朋友无法控制自己的感情,放声大哭起来(hold oneself in)
At the funeral a friend of the soldier's could not hold himself in and gave way to tears.
At the meeting he made a ten-minute speech about the way to work out the problem.
19、认为计算机最终会代替人脑是愚蠢的(take the place of)
It's silly to have the idea that computers will take the place of human brain.
Don't pretend to have understood it.


1 and his brother succeeded in preventing he abandoned the salary is not high. (lost/PPC), dissuade...
2 and he alone spent two weeks to finish the survey (investigation)
3, unless he realized that a dangerous, otherwise no one can stop him do it
4 and if you want to get good grades, cannot depend on the help of others
Five, in spite of all the difficulties, we still determined to carry out our plan

6, without your help and support, we could not have finished the work ahead (without)
7 and I sent these books to her for more than a week (and It has since) / is...
Eight, I suggest we meeting to discuss the problem and see if we can take out a better solution (come) would /
9, as is known to all, for speed and comfort, airplanes and ships It is not the same as that assault (...).
10 and in this life and for many years, she has been gradually familiar with this city (to) come

11, let us surprise, the stranger is the mother of university students (out) will
12 and carelessness, he injured at work day (in)
And, more importantly, you should have a good learning habits
14, Sam in our short half as advisers
15 and John is the youngest in the class, but his students in each homework on par with the other students are very (up),

16 and an advisor's responsibility to those policymakers mention the reasonable suggestion (for) responsibility.
17 and the warrior in the funeral of a friend can control his emotions and burst out crying (in) oneself pyramid.making
18, at the meeting, he is ready to solve the problems in ten minutes
19, computer will eventually replace the brain that is foolish (will) claimed the
20 and don't pretend (ignorant),


1、他哥哥成功地阻止他放弃那份薪铅磨水不高的工作。(succeed in/,dissuade...from)
His brother has succeeded in dissuading him from the low-salary job.
He has completed the investigation for 2 weeks on himself.






1.Succeeded his brother to prevent him from giving up the work paycheck is not high

2.He alone took two weeks to complete this survey

3.Unless he is himself aware of this danger, otherwise no one could stop him more do

4.If you want to achieve good results, we can not overly rely on other people's help

5.Without your help and support, we can not complete its work ahead of schedule

6.Without your help and support, we can not complete its work ahead of schedule

7.I sent her the books have more than a week

8.I suggest we meet to discuss the issue and see if we can come up with a better solution

9.As we all know, the speed and comfort, aircraft and ships very different

10.In this live for many years, she has gradually familiar with this city

11.To our surprise, the stranger turned out to be the mother of university students

12.Due to an oversight, he injured at work

13.More importantly, you should have good study habits

14.Sam works in my office six months ago, short-term consultants

15.John is the youngest class of students, but his homework on the door to keep pace with other students

16.A consultant has the responsibility to provide reasonable recommendations that policy makers

17.The soldiers at the funeral of a friend can not control their feelings, burst into tears

18.At the meeting, he prepared to address this problem the statement made 10 minutes

19.That computers will eventually replace the human brain is stupid

20.Do not pretend to understand