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被浏览: 0次 2023年10月20日 23:35

It's been a month that the summer vacation went by. We have a long holiday, which is longer than the others. Most of us were plan to find a part-time job in order to kill the boring time while we got the news. So it was the same with me, of coz. I've been itching to take the part-time job when I was in the junior high school, more for getting some value experiences than for money.

Because lots of my friends have works experiences and have a more independent life. They are willing to share their interesting work experiences with me. In the work life, they met many difficulties; they would try to do something on their own. Different kinds of setbacks made them more strong and go easy on everything afterward. I felt somehow ashamed of myself ,I like to be independent, but it is difficult for me. I live under my parents' wings, then hide mine. My parents arrange everything for me,let me denpend on them for food and clothing.I know I can't go on like this. If I couldn't get rid of the protect from them ,I can't be independent.Their love will cut my wings.For this reason,I took the part-time job together with my friends.Our work was demanding, and if our speed was slowly ,we couldn't make much money.Sometimeswe felt disappointed,and made much complaints,even had the thoughts of coming back.But we kept on it.In the work life,we had something fun,something that made us felt sad.I almost forgot. There was a warm-hearted old man,he was a factory security. He took good care of us.And that made us felt happy in the other city.We were very gratefull to him. What a nice old man!Unfortunately,

I got a bad headache and a high temperature when I was planning to go back.That was because the roasting weather and the hard work.Thanks to my friends ,they looked after me ,as if my mother was around.Because of that ,I deeply felt the important of friendship . I just wanted to say,thank you!

When I took the first salary of my life,I knew it's very difficult to make

A new term began. Students all returned to school and met again. They were talking about what they had done in the holidays. I was much happier. I couldn’t wait to tell my story. Now it’s my turn. I told them I got a job in a restaurant. I worked as a waitress. They didn’t believe at first.
"Yes, it’s true. "I said," I really had a hard time at the beginning. But several days later, I could do a good job. I earned six hundred yuan this holiday. "They all looked at me with their mouths open.

3.Should students make friends on line ?

Some people say yes.The internet helps make many friends.Chatting on line,students can more freely express their feelings and opinions,and even get help with their foreign language studies .

Others,however,think students should not.They say making friends on line is a waste of time,which should be spent more meaningfully on study.Besides,some students get cheated on line .

It is my opinion that students should place their study,health and safety before other things.As for friendship,we can readily find it in our classmates and other people around us .

We need vacations. They recharge us, allowing us to be more efficient all the other times. The trouble is, too many of the vacations we take these days aren't vacations at all.

We Americans are collectively suffering from vacation deficit disorder, insists Joe Robinson. And we don't even admit we have a problem. It gets so bad that workers often compete to see who has less of a life than the next guy.

Americans work more than anyone else. In fact, we work 100 hours per year more than the famously nose-to-grindstone Japanese. And we put in up to three months a year more than Europeans.

America is the only country that does not mandate paid vacation leave. China gets three weeks. Europe averages six.

Call it the incredible shrinking vacation. The average vacation in America now numbers a pathetic three to four days--a long weekend. And this year, according to a recent survey, one in seven Americans is taking no vacation at all.

The problem is, the little time we now allot ourselves for vacations can't do what vacations are supposed to do. You need more time to fix burnout, explains Joe Robinson, author of Work To Live: The Guide to Getting a Life. You have to be cut off from a stressor for a sufficient amount of time to give your mind and body a break. And you have to allow two weeks for your body to rebound.

But trying to get more than one week at a time is difficult, especially in today's climate. People have to beg their employers for any time in the first place. The upshot is they wind up feeling guilty for taking time off. And vacations feel illegitimate.

Robinson points out that we Americans are going through a cycle of overwork that began with the recession of the early 80s then shifted into high gear in the late 80s with a series of technological advances--fax machines, desktop computers, cell phones. We have lots of tools and we don't even know how to use them all, but they still wind up bestowing on us a false sense of urgency.

Add to that the fact that labor has been cut to the bone. Everyone left is doing multiple jobs and working extra hours. We're living in a world of no boundaries between work and life, insists Robinson.

Working more than 48 hours a week doubles the load of stress. It puts one on course for heart disease.

Robinson is quick to insist that the belief that Europeans are lazy is nothing but a convenient myth. The fact is, they get more done in less time. Four European countries are more efficient and productive than the U.S.--Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Norway. Companies in those countries employ management techniques that make longer vacations work.

By contrast, in the U.S., managers have an irrational fear that they need people in all those chairs all the time or everything will fall apart, says Robinson. And overtime is often unproductive because it is conducted by fatigued brains. Many studies show that most Americans are chronically running on too little sleep.

If you work seven 50-hour weeks in a row you don't get more done than in seven 40-hour weeks, says Robinson. Overtime is not productive and fatigue seeps into the regular work time.

Oh, then there's the fact that whatever vacation time they take, people bring their work--and their work mentality--with them. It isn't just the laptop. It's a productivity mentality that has people measuring how many sights they see and how many things they do in three days.

You have to unpack before you pack, is the way Robinson sees it. Put together an unpacking list of the stuff that has no business going with you, he advises. These include work worries, the boss, colleagues, career progress, laptops, pagers, cell phones. Stash it until you get back.

To the pile of stuff you leave home add your guilt over taking a vacation. You also have to put aside the productivity yardstick and remember how to do leisure.

Here are a couple of suggestions:

Target your passions and build your vacation around the things you like to do.
Wander. Yes, relearn how to explore and discover, with no other purpose.
Linger with a friend over dinner.
Put on your kid hat. Connect with play.

Forget Montezuma's Revenge. The real hazards for business travelers lurk not in their gut, but in their head. Working globetrotters log many miles-and rack up even more psychic stress. A study of nearly 11,000 workers at the World Bank revealed that women who made more than two international business trips a year filed twice the number of psychiatric insurance claims as their stationary counterparts; men, three times as many.

Bernhard Liese, M.D., head of health services at the World Bank, notes that international business travelers are faced with sudden changes in climate, food, language and culture. Time zone changes can compound travelers' disorientation by disrupting circadian rhythms and depriving them of sleep. Working hours may be extended to make the most of the trip-and in addition to all this, the traveler experiences separation from home and family.

But Liese says that the worst part of business travel may be the return to the office: phone and e-mail messages, not to mention more work, may have piled up while the traveler was away.

Doesn't the domestic business traveler encounter the same stresses? Not necessarily, Liese believes. There's a lot less psychic dislocation in flying to Kalamazoo than Timbuktu.

When Dutch researcher Ad Vingerhoets, Ph.D., began noticing that some of his weekends and vacations were spent suffering through headaches and other physical ailments, he tried to find out if any studies had been done on the phenomenon. He found none, so Vingerhoets, whose research area is stress and emotions, decided to study the subject himself.

Along with fellow researcher Maaike Van Huijgevoort, Ph.D., also from the department of clinical health psychology at Tilburg University in the Netherlands, Vingerhoets observed more than 100 people who were plagued by headaches, muscle pain, fatigue and nausea over weekends and holidays. Most of the subjects had suffered these symptoms for more than 10 years, and symptoms commenced with stressful events in their lives, such as divorce or death. The researchers, who presented their findings at a meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, determined that people who are perfectionists, carry large workloads and feel very responsible for their work are more apt to suffer from these symptoms, termed leisure sickness.

While Vingerhoets' study wasn't intended to help participants overcome leisure sickness, he does have some suggestions for preventing the weekend malady. Physical exercise on Friday evening would facilitate the physiological transition from activity to rest, he says. Also, try to perceive your work from a different perspective and attach more importance to other things such as family.

In every year the end of June, it is the beginning of my precious summer holiday. Last summer, I had a great holiday. Firstly, I spent only a week to finish all my summer homework. Then I have still almost two months to do anything I wanted. Actually, I really did what I wanted to do in last summer. I traveled to Beijing with my best friend for 2 weeks. We were so happy and the trip was just perfect. In the rest of my holiday, I did not do anything even related to study. Everything is all about games. However, I will not have a chance to spend my summer holiday like the last one. There is much more homework that I have to use probably three quarters of my holiday to finish it. If there is not so much homework, I might have my ideal summer holiday in this year. My ideal holiday is that go to the beaches in México with my family. For about a whole month we can completely relax in the beautiful beach. In the morning, after the delicious México style breakfast, we can walk along the beach while enjoy the beautiful morning sunshine. In the afternoon, we can have the freshest seafood for lunch. After lunch, take a nap in the sunshade would be the best thing to do. At dusk, there is the most gorgeous sunset on the sea... I love the beach, I love summer holiday.

I like the summer holiday every year. Last summer I went to Beijing for my holiday, Beijing is our capital city. I went to the Summer Palace, climbed the Great Wall and went to many places of interest. I had a very good time. During this summer holiday, I went to Putuo and Xiangshan. I saw the beautiful sea. I enjoyed having a walk along the beach after supper or having a swim in the moonlight. It 's really "cool". When I at home, I do my homework in the morning. In the afternoon I practise playing the piano. But in the evening I can watch TV after a long walk with my parents. If you ask me what my favourite summer holiday will be like, traveling around the world is the only answer. I like travelling so much that l often meet different people and visit different places of interest in my dream. I wish I can have two summer holidays in a year.



因为很多我的朋友有工程经验,并有一个更独立的生活。他们愿意分享他们感兴趣的工作经验,我。在工作生活,他们会见了许多困难,他们将尽力做一些对自己。不同种类的挫折使他们更加强大和容易进入的一切之后。我觉得自己有点不好意思,我最喜爱的是独立的,但很困难,因为我。我住在我父母的翅膀,然后隐藏地雷。我的父母安排一切,我,让我denpend对他们的食品和clothing.I知道我不能再这样。如果我无法摆脱他们的保护,我不能independent.Their爱将削减我国wings.For这个原因,我把兼职连同我friends.Our工作要求,如果我们的速度缓慢,我们就不能取得很大money.Sometimeswe感到失望,并取得了很大的投诉,甚至有思想的未来back.But我们一直it.In的工作生活,我们有一些有趣的,这使我们认为sad.I几乎忘了。有一个热心岁男子,他是一家工厂的安全。他照顾好us.And ,使我们感到高兴的其他city.We非常gratefull他。真是一个好老头!不幸的是,



2 。
“是的,这是真的。 ”我说: “我真的很难开始。但是,几天后,我能做好。我赢得六〇 〇元这个假期。 ”他们都看着我与他们的嘴打开。


Some people say yes.The internet helps make many friends.Chatting on line,students can more freely express their feelings and opinions,and even get help with their foreign language studies .

但是,另一些人认为学生应not.They结交朋友说在网上是浪费时间,这应该花在更有意义的study.Besides ,一些学生作弊线。


4 。



美国是唯一一个没有任务带薪休假离开。中国获得三个星期。欧洲平均水平6 。














漫步。是的, relearn如何探索和发现,没有任何其他目的。

5 。




6 。
当荷兰广告Vingerhoets研究员,博士,开始注意到,他的一些周末和假期花费了痛苦通过头痛和其他有形的疾病,他试图找出是否过任何研究工作的现象。他没有发现,所以Vingerhoets ,其研究领域是压力和情绪,决定将自己研究的主题。

随着研究员研究员Maaike范Huijgevoort ,博士研究生,还从该部的临床健康心理学在蒂尔堡大学在荷兰, Vingerhoets观察超过100人谁是困扰头痛,肌肉痛,疲劳和恶心了周末和节假日。大部分科目遭受这些症状超过10年,症状有压力的活动开始在他们的生活,如离婚或死亡。研究人员说,谁提出了他们的调查结果举行的一次会议上的美国心身学会,确定谁是完美的人,携带大量的工作量,并感到非常负责他们的工作更容易受到这些症状,称为休闲疾病。


7 。

8 。
我喜欢每年的暑假。去年夏天我去北京,我的假期,北京是我们的首都。我去了颐和园,爬上了长城,去了很多地方的利益。我有一个很好的时间。在这个暑假,我去普陀和象山。我看到了美丽的大海。我喜欢走了晚饭后在海滩游泳或在月光下。这是真的“酷” 。当我在家的时候,我做我的功课在早上。下午,我在练习弹钢琴。但在晚上,我可以看电视,经过长时间的步行跟我的父母。如果你问我什么我最喜欢的暑假将是一样,周游世界是唯一的答案。我喜欢旅行,所以升往往满足不同人不同的地方访问的兴趣,我的梦想。我希望我可以有两个暑假的一年。


History of Mother′s Day
In the U.S. Mothers' Day is a holiday celebrated on second Sunday in May. It is a day when children honor their mothers with cards, gifts, and flowers. First observance in Philadelphia, Pa. in 1907, it is based on suggestions by Julia Ward Howe in 1872 and by Anna Jarvis in 1907.

Although it wasn't celebrated in the U.S. until 1907, there were days honoring mothers even in the days of ancient Greece. In those days, however, it was Rhea, the Mother of the gods that was given honor.

Later, in the 1600's, in England there was an annual observance called "Mothering Sunday." It was celebrated during June, on the fourth Sunday. On Mothering Sunday, the servants, who generally lived with their employers, were encouraged to return home and honor their mothers. It was traditional for them to bring a special cake along to celebrate the occasion.

In the U.S., in 1907 Ana Jarvis, from Philadelphia, began a campaign to establish a national Mother's Day. Jarvis persuaded her mother's church in Grafton, West Virginia to celebrate Mother's Day on the second anniversary of her mother's death, the 2nd Sunday of May. The next year Mother's Day was also celebrated in Philadelphia.

Jarvis and others began a letter-writing campaign to ministers, businessmen, and politicians in their quest to establish a national Mother'带埋棚s Day. They were successful. President Woodrow Wilson, in 1914, made the official announcement proclaiming Mother's Day a national observance that was to be held each year on the 2nd Sunday of May.

Many other countries of the world celebrate their own Mother's Day at different times throughout the year. Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia, and Belgium celebrate Mother's Day on the second Sunday in May, as in the U.S.

在美国,人蠢则们在五月的第二个星期天庆祝母亲节。在这一天,孩子们把卡片,礼物和鲜花献给他们的母亲。第一次庆祝母亲节是发生在1907 年的费城,是由朱莉娅·瓦德·豪和安妮塔·贾威斯分别在 1872 年和 1907 年提议设立的。

虽然美国直到 1907 年才庆祝母亲节,但是尊敬母亲的节日甚至可以追溯到古希腊。尽管那时人们是庆祝上帝的母亲罗伊的。

后来, 在17世纪初的英格兰,人们有一个惯例,就是在每年六月的第四个星期天庆祝“省亲节”。在省亲节那一天, 通常与雇主住在一起的仆人了, 被劝说回家和他们的母亲团聚。按照惯例,他们要带一块特殊的蛋糕回家庆祝。

在美国, 1907年有一个来自费城的叫阿纳·贾维斯的人,发起了一场建立全国的母亲节的运动。在西弗吉尼亚的格拉夫顿,贾维斯说服了她母亲的教堂,在她母亲去世2周年的纪念日那一天庆祝母亲节,即五月的第二个星期天。下一年费城也庆祝了母亲节。



When You Believe

Many nights we've prayed
With no proof anyone could hear
In our heart a hopeful song
we barely understood
Now we are not afraid
Although we know there's much to fear
We were moving the mountian long
Before we knew we could
There can be miracles
When you belive
Though hope is frail
It's hard to kill
Who knows what miracles
You can achieve
When you believe
Somehow you will
You will when you belive
And in this time of fear
When prayer so often proves in vain
Hope seems like the summer birds
Too swiftly flown away
And now I am standing here
My heart's so full I can't explain
我的心满满的 无法解释
Seeking faith and speaking words I never thought I'd say
They don't always happen when you ask
And it's easy to give in to your fear
But when you're blinded by your pain
Can't see you way safe through the rain
Thought of a still resilient voice
Says love is very near
Just believe
You will when you believe












