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在线等!!高分求人帮我写篇大学英语作文 好的另有重赏

被浏览: 0次 2023年06月06日 03:50

就业时选择高塌丛薪团凯樱还是好的职业?(Do You Prefer High Salary or A Promising Job?)
When it comes to the choice of career, some people prefer the job with high salary. Why? Their reasons run as following: to begin with, high salary can bring them happy life; in addition, with high salary, they can do whatever they want.
But some others prefer to choose a job with promising future. They base their choice on the following reasons: on one hand, a promising job itself means a raise and promotion in the future; on another hand, job with a bright future will bring them honor and sense of pride.
As for me, if I’m left to make the choice, I’ll not hesitate to choose a promising job. First of all, I appreciate the honor and challenge it brings to me. At the same time, if I work hard, it will offer me a lot of opportunities including high salary, good position, etc.

Old Shung was a gatekeeper in the culture department. As the salary was low, he always felt self-contemptuous. Old Zao and Old Quan often called him to drink . When they feasted him, He felt very uncomfortable.
One day, the deputy director general of the culture department, who was responsible for the salary of employees suddenly told Old Shung," I tell you a good new, seeing that the office have discussed, they decided to increase your salary. You'd better prepare to treat, haha!"Old Shung was surprised and said happily,"really? How many? Can I get three hundred yuan?" The deputy director general shaked his head and showed him a hand. " Five hundred?" cried the Old Shung. The deputy director general said," How can I bam you? You are so pleasure." And than, the deputy director general rided the bicycle away.
At night, when the deputy director general was watching TV at home, the Old Shung knocked at the door pertly. Old Shung bringed a lot of articles which were expensive. The deputy director general was surprised, standed up immediately, and blocked Old Shung and said,"Old Shung, I really want to criticize you. It is a good idea to rise your salary, but you mustn't do like this. It is discussed to rise your salary by the collectivity. If you want to thank,you have to thank the collectivity. Normally, you should have been rised the salary. You see, you can't earn so much money a month. In this way, you sit up to have a cup of tea, for a while, you have to take the articles back...." Old Shung clumsily said," My leader,I beg you, you mustn't rise my salary, I am afraid of that." The director general felt funny, and said," Why? Is it not good for you?" Old Shung said," My leader, you don't know that. Previous, while the typist rised the salary, he was changed immediately by the nephew of the head of a county. Originally,The nephew of the head of a county felt the salary was low. So the leader rised the salary first, and than he came. Our kitchener was changed either, who was also that the salary have been rised. So, my director general, I beg you, however,you don't need to rese my salary. When the salary rise, I have to leave the unit, the work not belongs to me anymore. I beg you, ok?"
" It is nothing, you take it easy, OK?" said the deputy director general. He picked the articles up and tucked them in the hands of Old Shung and said,"You don't worry about that, I am here, on one can change you." Old Shung said," Thanks my leader,thanks my leader." He droped the acticles and turned rushing away.
Having the support with the deputy director general, Old Shung had disburdened and shared the treatment of the rising salary. When Old Zao and Old Qiang called him to drink, he would also treated them racily.
After twe months, one day, while Old Shung came back to the unit from the pub, which is the place for them drinking,he unconsciously looked at the notice and the notice said: Seeing that Mr Shung often take the work off and he have badly damaged the reputation of the unit, researched by the office of director general, they have decided to resign Old Shung and employ another again,who is conscientious for the work.
When Old Shung watched the notice, he angrily went to find the deputy director general. The deputy director general feebly said," I have already helped you with the job, but I can't keep the job for you. The reason is that you often goes to drink so that you neglect the work and the another reason is that the uncle of the director general is coming to our unit in...in...instead of you."


upon completion of our undergraduate study, it time for us to plan and decide our direction, at this crossroad, we encounter two extreme contradictions..... salary or interest?

How? how can this happen to a graduate now a day, yes this is because we are at the materialistic age, monetary (salary) is important for survivorship and atlast we are not happy because we doing something that we are not interested in....

The issue is how you plan it for youself, my suggestion is never give up what you like in this world, because this is the important and basic drive in our life, dont let the evil control you as a lot people may attack this statement.....

Ask youself what you want, and ask youself what you need, make sure you are happy and no regret about it , just do it! when time past, you will grow, what is good, never too late to start, never too late to change, happy and satisfaction are the two key words for your life to choose salary or interest...


When we were young, we were always dreaming about doing something we like in the future as out career. But once we have grown up, we just realise that choosing a job according to its salary might be a better choice. Which way shall we follow?

From my personal point of view, I agree to adhere with the salary. It does not mean I an greedy. This is just a very practical attitude. Indeed, everyone in this world wants to do what they want to do but of them how many can achieve that? The percentage is pessimistically low. Having a good dream is not a bad idea, but the reality is not ideal. It is rather cruel and ruthless. Of course, I am not saying to achieve one's dream is impossible, but to battle such the retarding reality can mean to sacrifice everything else in one's life, particularly family and friends, and such kind of news is not rare nowadays. Choosing a job with stable and high wage at least means one does not need to worry about his or her basic life necessities. That is something we can never neglect.


Salary or Interest
As to every graduate, job-choosing is the first problem they have to face when entering the society, and this differs from people to people. Some graduates prefer to choose a job according to their interest. They think working with interest is enjoyable and comfortable, and the salary is not very important. While others hold a different view, they think salary is the most critical factor influencing their career choices. They would rather take a job with good pay and ignore their interests. To my mind, I would like to choose a job according to my interest which would make me happy and relaxed. As an old Chinese saying,“Interest is the guide to knowledge.”Interest enables us to work with great passion and leads us to success more easily, and we can earn much money all the same.